5th Dimension Chakras

chakras energy Mar 08, 2023
5th Dimension Chakras -Jodi Pringle

5th Dimension Chakras

A spiritual awakening is taking place as humans evolve with the planetary shift from 3D vibrational frequency to the 5th Dimensional vibrational frequency. As you align yourself with the 5D vibrational frequency your 5th Dimension (5D) Chakras which are located in your Energy Field will open and activate. You can aid your transition to 5D by using energy healing techniques to raise your vibrational frequency and release old emotions and negativity, meditation to connect to your higher self and practice mindfulness and awareness to develop your intuition.

The 5D Chakras available to you are:

Gaia Gateway

The Gaia Gateway communicates with the crystalline grid, and is the gateway for 5D vibrational frequency and 5D light codes. It is located at the Earth's centre, it is light pink in colour.

Magnetic Chakra

The Magnetic Chakra stores ancient knowledge, including Egyptian, Mayan, Atlantis and Sacred geometry. It has energy links to Sacred sites, such as Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Uluru and the Pyramids of Giza. It anchors the 5D Light Codes to the Earth plane. It is located at the Earth's core and is burgundy in colour.

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is the grounding point for your physical and spiritual bodies and your connection to Mother Earth Energy. It is part of your energy field and is grounding for your emotions. The Earth Star Chakra is located 1-2 feet below the feet in the Earth. Its colour and size changes as you attain a higher vibrational frequency. In 3D it is black, shiny and reflective and about 2 feet in diameter in 5D it changes to milky white and expands to 1 to 3 meters in size.

Naval Chakra

The Naval Chakra is the only 5D chakra located on the body; all the other 5D chakras are located in the Energy Field. The Naval Chakra can blink when it first starts to activate, once you begin to live your purpose it becomes a beacon of light shining your unique gifts to the world. The Naval Chakra is located at your naval between the Solar Plexus and the Sacral Chakra, it is golden orange/yellow and very vibrant.

Causal Chakra

The Causal Chakra is the gateway for the pure white angel light of the higher self to access through the spiritual body and into the physical body. The Causal Chakra maintains your connection of the higher self to Source. It is located just above the Crown Chakra and about 10cm back in line with the spinal column, it is a bright blue white in colour.

Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star Chakra contains the information of your Soul Contract, Soul Journey and Life Purpose for this lifetime. The Akashic Records are accessed through the Soul Star Chakra. It is located above the Crown Chakra about 15 cm above the head, it is pure white in colour.

Universal Chakra

The Universal Chakra is your access to the universal life force energy and is associated with lunar energy and astrology. The Universal Chakra can be used during deep meditation as a portal for astral travel, interdimensional and interstellar travel. It is located above the Soul Star Chakra about 30 cm above the head, it is seafoam green in colour.

Galactic Chakra

The Galactic Chakra is your access to your Spiritual Guidance team, which may consist of Ascended masters, Angels, Guides, Loved Ones and Animal Guides. They are always there to give you guidance and support you just need to ask. It is located above the Universal Chakra about 45 cm above the head, it is aqua in colour.

Divine Stellar Gateway

The Divine Stellar Gateway is the gateway to other higher dimensions. It is where you have the free will to make choices and changes to create the life you desire. It is located above the Galactic Chakra about 60 cm above the head, it is magenta in colour.

You can start working with your 5th Dimension Chakras recieve your Free PDF Download of the Nine 5th Dimension Chakras Click HERE


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